03/31/04’s illustrious band:
The TaX Files
Brought to you by three government agencies.
Sister-san and Chef Jeff moved to Arizona last summer. Now it’s tax season, and they found that they needed a Minnesota Part-Year Resident form to complete their filing. Sister-san asked me to pick one up and mail it to her. I said I would. I figured it would be simple:
- Drive to post office.
- Take desired form from bin.
- Mail form.
- Eat lunch.
Alas, it was not to be. We’re talking about three government bureaucracies plus a blonde with a cell phone here, so you know it’s not gonna be that easy. Here’s what I actually had to do:
- Drive to post office.
- Search bins for desired form. Fail to find it. Ask bystanders if they know where to look. Receive blank stares. (Polite blank stares; this is Minnesota, after all.)
- Get in line to ask a postal employee.
- Learn from postal employee that the post office only stocks the basic forms; for the exotic stuff, you need to go to the library. Get directions to nearest library. Purchase sheet of Year of the Monkey stamps.
- Head for library as per directions.
- After 10 minutes without seeing library, determine that directions to not gibe with actual location of library.
- Pull into parking lot. Call Information on cell phone. Connect with library. Get directions from librarian.
- Arrive at library 45 seconds later.
- Search bins for desired form. Find it quickly.
- Return to post office. Return to line. Mail form.
- Eat lunch.
Moral of the story: You can get just about everything you need from your local library and/or librarian. Except monkey stamps.
I don’t mean to imply that this errand was an odious chore; it was not. It was a beautiful day to be driving around a small Midwestern town with the windows down and the radio on, and I still had time to drop my coat off at the cleaners before heading back to Media Headquarters. All missions accomplished.
Today around the world: March 31 is would-be Prez Al Gore’s birthday. Not quite a national holiday, but hey, throw the poor guy a bone, all right?
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