Friday, December 30, 2005

2005: The Year in Review

Saw friends, Rockapella and Sean Altman in NYC. Drank Manhattans in Manhattan, bought a hoodie at the Strand bookstore. Best road trip ever! Plumbing problems, transmission problems, not good. Johnny Carson died.

Ushered in the Year of the Rooster, which is my year, at the T’ai Chi studio’s Chinese New Year celebration and demo.

Created my own online survey. Saw Sister-san and family in Tucson while there on business. Quit the magazine, started a new job downtown.

Bought my Treo, entered geek heaven. Saw friends and Rockapella in La Crosse.

Spent Mother’s Day weekend in AZ with Sister-san and family. Saw the Bobs and the Flying Karamazov brothers.

Attended a Saints baseball game. Gave a T’ai Chi presentation at work. Spent time at Mom’s place.

Spent 4th of July weekend geeking out at CONvergence. Taught T’ai Chi at a Lutheran women’s conference; heard Barbara Ehrenreich give keynote address. Mom hung out at my house for a while. Saw first Santa of the year. Scotty died. Learned how to photoblog. Saw Bruce Campbell in person.

Got Sensational Acres fence fixed. Attended annual T’ai Chi retreat. Bought an iBook, the love of my geek life. Things began to go south at work.

Saw Kelly and family for Dragon*Con in Atlanta. CNE had her first birthday. Began planning for Italy 2006 trip. Saw Rockapella in Madison. Best concert ever! Saw first Christmas displays of the season. Things got seriously ugly at work.

Got fired. Got new, better job within 48 hours. Began a blissful month of unemployment. I attended a Tupperware party. Attended Amy & Jazret’s wedding.

Saw Tonic Sol-Fa in a metro suburb; I only got lost once on the way. Started new job. Attended my first flamenco recital. Saw Four Shadow’s Christmas concert.

Learned how to audioblog. Bought a digital camera. Glue-trapped the first mouse at Sensational Acres. Saw the family and Rockapella in Missouri. Made a slide show movie/DVD from all the pictures. Became addicted to Sudoku. Hosted Mother Media for Christmas. Saw my first Holidazzle parade.

All in all, a very good year. Cheers to the next one!


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