Wednesday, March 03, 2004

03/03/04’s illustrious band:


Brought to you by my growing excitement about attending this weekend’s science fiction/fantasy convention, MarsCon. Can’t wait to see those ultra-serious suburban Klingons with fake ridgy foreheads that don’t match their natural skin tones.

Yes, I AM an economy-sized geek. And proud of it. Always have been. Growing up in a very quiet (some would say lethally boring) Midwestern cow town, I had plenty of time to devote to escapist fantasy. I loved Star Wars, Star Trek (both the TV shows and the movies), and sword-and-sorcery novels of all kinds. Why sit around whining about how dull my hometown was when I could join great heroes to journey among the stars or work magic against dragons? There’s never a dull moment for a kid with a library card, and I made good use of mine.

Time has broadened my horizons and taught me not to greet everyone with Mr. Spock’s split-fingered “Live long and prosper” salute. While I’ve developed a lasting affection for the classics, I haven’t forgotten my adolescent crush on sci-fi. However, I have developed a sense of humor about it -- so I was delighted to come across The Standardized Should I Stalk William Shatner test.

I love the fact that there’s not only a test for determining your devotion to the man who brought Captain Kirk to life, it’s a standardized test. What standards, exactly, are being employed here? How many of these tests are there, and who takes the time to compare them to one another?

I took the SISWS test, of course. I scored relatively low, but only because I have a job and some social skills. Left alone with my collection of vintage Trek books and videos and an unlimited supply of takeout pizza, I’m sure I could boost my score.

Yep, I’m getting primed for 48 hours of complete silliness. Don’t worry; I’ll keep you posted on the haps at the con. I know you’re looking forward to it as much as I am.

Today around the world: March 3 is when they celebrate Declaration of Establishment of Authority of the People in Libya.

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