Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Make It So

I intend 2006 to be a year of less for me: less bitching, less blather, less blogging when I should be working. So look for about a 90% reduction in my postings.

Since less is more, that means more real writing of the narrative or constructive kind, and more effort at getting my ya-yas out on paper where it'll do me some good. I've been lazy about these things lately.


- trying to force color into my wardrobe
+ black. Because I like it.

- careful
+ carefree

- surfing
+ getting off my butt

- butt
+ walking

- skipping T'ai Chi
+ private lessons

- sitting around the house
+ getting out. I will visit SD, AZ, NY, NV, GA and Italy at least once apiece this year.

- Ben
+ Jerry

- "Do it by self!"
+ "Thanks, I could use a hand."

- commentary
+ comments

- Dunkin' Donuts
+ Tim Duncan

- Gap
+ Nordstrom

- reliving yesterday
+ living today

- snark
+ spark

- caring about what people think
+ caring about people



- driving
+ biking

- dissonance
+ harmony

- face
+ grace

- ( ! ) That's an e-posterior.
+ \m/ That's e-rock-n-roll "horns."

Imagination becomes reality. Make it so.


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