Monday, May 30, 2005

Just wanted to report that I have seen the latest Star Wars, and it is good. Good story, good explosions, good light saber duels, and deliciously good bad comic book-style dialogue. Many reviewers have panned the dialogue and the acting that delivers it, but I'll argue that both are exactly what they should be: grand, epic representations of archetypes, not regular people talking the way regular people talk. Two thumbs up. A fine matinee.

Parting shots:

  • Yoda is The Man!
  • Obi-Wan is a close second.
  • The love that dare not be named: I kind of have a crush on R2D2. Why must I always fall for the funny guy?
  • I don't do Windus.

Now log off and go outside!

Today around the world: Today is Memorial Day. A moment of silence, please, for all who have gone before us and left a better world behind them.


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