Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Blast from the Repast

Brought to you by the winds of history.

Senor Editor took me out to lunch shortly before I left Media HQ, to a place we didn't normally go (but that serves great tater tots). And who should walk to this obscure little pub and recognize me but Paula.

I haven't seen Paula in about five years. She's the wife of my ex-husband's best friend, and when we stopped doing couple stuff together, she faded right off my radar. She took me out to a movie one afternoon when the ex was at the house clearing out some of his garbage with her husband's assistance, I think. And after that, nothing. We always got along fine and all, but we had little in common besides our spouses, and we didn't keep in touch.

And then there she was in a suburb far from home on a weekday lunch hour with her mother and her two cute little girls in tow. I introduced her briefly to Senor Editor and told her why we were out at lunch — my leaving the office — and it only occurred to me just now that his prominent wedding band and my lack of one might have raised Paula's conservative eyebrows.

So that was interesting. I feel like I should call her up and arrange to get together for dinner sometimes soon. She probably feels the same way. I wonder if either of us will actually do it. I'm curious to know whether she's got any gossip about El Pendejo, and I want to brag up the good fortune I've enjoyed since parting ways with him. But it wouldn't be very nice of me to call her up just for that. If I do, it'll have to be because I want to visit with her for her own sake.

Today around the world: April 5 is Arbor Day in South Korea.


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