Thursday, March 31, 2005

Meetings and Greetings

Brought to you by my new job.

I had a total of 5 meetings today. In the last I found out that I'd been generating article ideas for a half-wrong set of topics, so I had to regroup on that one — but the ideas I did bring were just the kind of thing the guys is looking for. So that's good. Feedback on my ideas and scribblings has been very positive so far, which is a relief.

I got my hair cut in the shop downstairs over lunch today. The cut itself is OK, but the stylist wins the Most Slothful award. It took her a full hour just to do a trim, and I finally bolted with my hair still damp because she appeared to be drying it one strand at a time. Clearly this was not the stylist my boss had recommended; she swears her chica does it in 20 minutes and is fun to chat with besides. I'll hold out for her next time instead of taking potluck as a walk-in, then. But the price is sure right: half what I pay Britta at the other place — and her rates are lower than the norm there because she's still considered to be in training. I love Britta, but I also love a bargain.

A nice HR lady recruited me for the company health and wellness committee today. She said they'd been eyeing me for my background in health journalism and especially T'ai Chi. Apparently that intrigues a lot of people around here.

The toilets have taken some getting used to as well. They're auto-flushers, but they won't auto-flush if the sensor is blocked, which means that I have to crowd myself into a corner of the stall while tucking in my shirt if I want to not block the sensor. Yes, it took me three days to figure it out. Don't worry, though; I used manual flush until I learned the system.

I've learned two routes into my work area: the one that passes the boss's office, which I'll use on days I arrive early, and the one that doesn't pass the boss's office, which I'll use on days I'm late. Which of course will be few and far between.

I'm starved. Is it time for ice cream yet? If it is, there's a very good local ice cream parlor right downstairs. I think I'll roll out a sleeping bag under my desk and just never leave.

Today around the world: March 31 is Transfer Day in the U.S Virgin Islands, when everyone gets off one bus and onto another.


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