Friday, July 22, 2005

Good Better Best

It's Friday, and I can't string together more than about five words in a row without getting distracted.

good: sale at the bookstore
better: finding something I want
best: finding a gift card in my purse for a further discount

good: employer supplies free cup-o-soup in the break room
better: Boss Lady brings Dilly Bars for Thursday afternoon break
best: Big Boss orders pizza for Friday lunch

good: kung fu movies
better: Jackie Chan movies
best: Rumble in the Bronx — Jackie Chan movie set (but obviously not filmed) in New York City, with Hong Kong's version of 90s-era Big Apple punks. And mountains.

good: Charlie Evett
better: Barry Carl
best: George Baldi

good: pepperoni
better: pineapple
best: pepperoni & pineapple pizza from Pat's Pizza in Orono, ME

good: Friday
better: Saturday
best: Sunday

good: taters
better: tater tots
best: tater tots with ranch dressing

good: Sarah Vowell
better: David Foster Wallace
best: Wil Wheaton

good: college
better: grad school
best: job with health insurance

good: reading a novel that mentions Haagen Daaz Macadamia Nut Brittle ice cream
better: finding that Mother Media has put the same flavor in my freezer
best: discovering that when she dished some up, she hid a scoop of Godiva Double Chocolate in the bottom of the bowl, too. Thanks, Mom!

good: Owen Wilson
better: Owen Wilson with Ben Stiller
best: Zoolander and Starsky & Hutch on DVD — cheap

good: age 16: license to drive
better: age 21: license to drink
best: age 36: poetic license

good: Star Trek
better: science fiction conventions
best: drunken Klingons playing Dance Dance Revolution

good: playing the flute
better: playing the oboe
best: buying orchestra tickets

good: CNN
better: BBC
best: DVD

good: common ground
better: common courtesy
best: common sense

good: Robin Williams
better: George Carlin
best: Eddie Izzard

good: Latin 101
better: ig-pay atin-Lay
best: Latin lover

good: Dracula
better: Interview With the Vampire
best: Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic

good: Big Red
better: Juicy Fruit
best: Doublemint

good: Futura
better: Bodoni
best: Times New Roman

good: horse sense
better: horseplay
best: hors d'oeuvres

good: sideburns
better: sequins
best: Elvis

good: mental note
better: bread-and-butter note
best: Post-It note

good: driving Dad's car
better: driving my own car
best: driving my paid-for car

good: garage sale
better: flea market
best: eBay

good: lawn chair
better: chaise lounge
best: hammock

good: Oscar the Grouch
better: the Count
best: Cookie Monster

good: knowing when to hold 'em
better: knowing when to fold 'em
best: knowing when to walk away and knowing when to run

good: limerick
better: sonnet
best: haiku

good: brown M&Ms
better: green M&Ms
best: blue M&Ms


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