Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Junk Drawer

Brought to you by every thought that flows through my mind. I'm cleaning out my mental junk drawer today. Take 'em as they come.

Item: Scotty died. Beamed up for the last time. I'm sad, but he lived well and he died well. I guess that's all right.

Item: One of my blogfriends is being harassed at work. Not sexually harassed, but bullied by her boss. That is not all right! When are people going learn that acting like a tired toddler with diaper rash is not acceptable in the workplace? Tommy Boy, I'm talkin' to you. My blogfriend lives in Europe, so there's not much I can do to help except offer moral support. Send a few anti-knucklehead thoughts her way, won't you?

Item: It was so! frelling! humid! at Sensational Acres this morning that the cat litter was clumping on its own. I had to step into the shower just to dry off. When I closed the windows to contain the air conditioning, feline despot Warren Peace got so mad at being cut off from the scents of the great outdoors that he peed on the carpet. &^%$@*%! I'm changing his name to Warren Pees.

Item: My left earlobe is pierced straight on, but the hole in the right lobe is at about a 45-degree angle. So the earring on the left faces primly forward, but the earring on the right is always looking out the window.

Item: I'm wearing my green wrap skirt today, the one that's lined in front but not in back. Don't worry, Mom — I wore better underwear this time.

Today around the world: July 20 is Crown Prince Haakon's birthday in Norway. One of my coworkers is going to spend two weeks in Norway on vacation. I hope she sends us some video postcards.


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