Friday, June 17, 2005

Who's on First?

Brought to you by our good friend the First Amendment.

The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It's a good amendment, maybe my favorite one.

So here's a modern wrinkle: What's OK to post in a blog? in an online diary? What's the difference? What can/should you write/publish about yourself? about other people? about public figures? Is a blog or an open diary a public place? Are the rules different for public speech? Does it matter what your intentions are if people take amiss something you post? Have you heard the term dooced?

Let me hear from all you readers and writers on this. No, I haven't been getting hate mail for my screeds about voice menus, bad customer service, and lousy summer jobs. But this topic has been a subject of much discussion lately amongst my blogfriends, and I'm interested in hearing all the opinions I can.


This Media Sensation will be off duty next week — but I'll still be checking comments and e-mail, so don't let that stop you from dropping me a line or six. The naming of bands will resume 6/27. We apologize for any withdrawal symptoms this hiatus may cause.

Today around the world: June 17 is World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. Which world? This one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The rules seem pretty simple to me.
1. don’t giveaway company secrets
2. don’t blog on company time unless you are being paid to do it.
3. don't post pictures, or audio, or anything like this that will cause undue media attention.

I'm not really sure about #3 but the people who have been dooced did something along these lines. There is also a big if in here If your company environment doesn’t not seem to like change or new things it may be a lost cause.

8:40 PM  

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