Monday, January 17, 2005

01/17/05’s illustrious band:

Feeling Flush

Brought to you by Old Man Winter, that unfriendly wretch.

Remember last winter, when temperatures plummeted and there was too little snow on the ground to insulate sewage pipes beneath? And remember how I had some serious drainage problems when my pipes partially froze? And how I had to have the nice sewer man with the super steam jet gun come over and give the system a cleansing?

Well, it's rerun time. The plumbing is a bit clogged, and while we haven't yet reached the point where flushing the toilet is a bad idea altogether, you want to make sure there's no water waiting to drain from the tub before you do it. When I checked in at lunchtime, things were OK, and I left a trickle of warm water running. I hope that the higher temperatures scheduled for the rest of the week will keep things from getting any worse; I'd like to make it to the next thaw without another steam enema. I'll check again on my way to class after work, just to make sure.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed -- and my legs, too, if necessary. Meanwhile, see if these these campy campers don't warm your heart.

Today around the world: January 17 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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