Tuesday, September 07, 2004

09/07/04’s illustrious band:

Buttery Day

Brought to you by the end of summer.

When I say it’s a buttery day, you know just what I mean. The temperature hovers around 75 degrees, the humidity around 50%. There’s a slight breeze blowing fluffy clouds across a sky the perfect shade of September blue. The perfume of sizzling burgers and hot dogs drifts from the grill. Your fingers are already a little bit grittygreasy from the chips you’ve been sneaking while the meat cooks; you have to keep wiping your hands so you don’t fumble your beer. Somebody’s three-year-old is chasing the dog in endless circles around the yard. Frank Sinatra croons from the stereo in the window. There’s nothing you really have to do today except soak up the laughter of your friends.

Labor Day is one of my favorite holidays, maybe my favorite of all. The weather is warmer on Labor Day weekend than for any of the winter or early spring holidays, and cooler than the 4th of July. Travel would be easy if you did any, but you don’t have to; everyone sticks pretty close to home. The Labor Day cookout is right up there with the Thanksgiving feast, but you don’t have to get up early to put the turkey in the oven or spend too much time prepping, because all the barbeque guests will be bringing something to share. And forget the fine china; paper plates are the way to go.

There’s no cheesy Labor Day theme music, and the kids aren’t going to get sick on candy or have nightmares about seasonal animated characters. You don’t have to spend a lot of time decorating, just scrape the grill, and hose off the deck and the lawn chairs. There are no gifts to buy, no costumes to construct, no mad dash from one party to another. Labor Day seems to be the only holiday we actually treat like a holiday -- a day of leisure -- and I love it. Can’t wait for the next one.

Know what else I can’t wait for? Aunthood! The countdown has begun. My niece/nephew is expected to arrive in about 10 days. I’m thinking of actually turning on my cell phone -- a rarity! -- so I can get the news as it happens. I’ll keep you posted.

Today around the world: September 1 is National 401(k) Day here in the U.S. I couldn’t make that sort of thing up even if I wanted to. Click here if you don’t believe me.

E-mail the Media Sensation: BandNameoftheDay@hotmail.com

Visit the BND archives at http://jugglernaut.blogspot.com.


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