Friday, November 07, 2003

11/07/03’s illustrious band:

Doctor the Books

Brought to you by my award-winning magazine.

Congratulate me! My magazine won yet another award last night. This year we got a silver medal in the Best Feature Story category for a story about improving communication between doctors and patients. I didn’t write it, but I did check the spelling once before it was published.

No, my main claim to fame for the evening was rushing the stage to collect my award. Only the gold medal winners were supposed to go up on stage to receive their plaques, but I was so excited to hear my title announced that I jumped right up. My friends called me back before I got to the stairs, fortunately. Unfortunately, our table was the frontmost, centermost table, closest to the stage, so the entire assemblage of publishing professionals witnessed my gaffe. I’m hoping most of them have forgotten by now, but a few coworkers have taken pains to assure me that not everyone has. Or will. I suspect I’ll be hearing about this for a long, long time.

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