Monday, October 27, 2003

10/27/03’s illustrious band:

Raking It In

Brought to you by my weekend.

I had a good weekend. How ‘bout you? On Saturday I attended a conference called Cashing In, which focused on ways for writers to make money. It was energizing to spend time with other writers -- especially well paid writers, especially published writers with tips on how to emulate their success. However, I seem to have missed the session on making this happen instantaneously and without much effort. But I had some fun and met some groovy people, including a woman whose book I happened to have in my car. It was definitely well worth my time.

After the conference, I hied myself to a friend’s house for something completely different: a group viewing of the Mr. Olympia contest. Yep, bodybuilding. I don’t know much about bodybuilding, so I was mostly there to rake in the chips and dip. Which I did. I was also treated to some vintage footage of famous ‘builders like Lou Ferigno and California’s new governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. His overinflatedness doesn’t seem to have changed much since 1975.

And there was an interesting video from the 1980s that was as much performance art as anything else. It starred an attractive and moderately muscular woman flowing dancelike through some classic bodybuilding poses dressed only in a G-string. Reason? She wanted to impress viewers. It was an education, if nothing else, and I got to drive home in the season’s first snowfall.

After all that vicarious exertion, I spent most of Sunday reading. I dedicated a few hours, though, to raking leaves on the sprawling grounds at Sensational Acres. I have a small blister and a large pile of leaf-filled bags to show for my labors. I got a few other things tidied up, too, in preparation for winter, but to my chagrin, I found myself unable to unscrew the garden hose from the spigot. If any big strong men happen to pass through my neighborhood this week, I’ll draft them for help.

Finally, I’m pleased to report that my horoscope predicts that I will soon be raking it in. Big money and life-changing opportunities are coming my way, the seer says. If I were willing to fork over my credit card number, I could learn exactly how to handle these events. But I’m skeptical of a fortuneteller who’s depending on me for her fortune. If she can tell me how to achieve great wealth and fame, why not do the same for herself?

Speaking of achieving great things: Congrats to Sister-san and Chef Jeff, who get the keys to their new house today! Huzzah! They are now officially desert dwellers. I can’t wait to see it.

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