Monday, November 03, 2003

11/03/03’s illustrious band:

Spam Exam

It’s time once again for our monthly reading from the Book of Spam! If you ever wanted to know where to go to learn more about Spam than even I can tell you, here’s the dirt from my Official Spam Calendar.

“In September 2001, the Spam Museum opened its doors. Located in Austin, MN -- the one and only Spam Town, USA -- the 16,500-square-foot museum houses a variety of exhibits. An interactive quiz show called the Spam Exam tests visitors’ Spam knowledge. The theater runs a documentary about a few self-proclaimed Spam fans. Different areas highlight the invention of Spam and its marketing around the world. There’s even a simulated production line, complete with hard hats, rubber gloves, hairnets, and earplugs, and a replica of SpamVille, a World War II-era military camp.”

Of all the museum features mentioned above, it’s the simulated production line that intrigues me most. I thought toy grocery store scanners for kids were bad enough, but now there’s a place adults can go to practice being minimum-wage slaves. Would you really want to spend valuable vacation time pretending to be a factory worker? A Spam factory worker? Me neither.

On second thought, though, publishing is a tough business these days, while Spam has proven itself evergreen. Maybe I should stop by for some on-the-job training.

Hope you all had a safe and Spamless Halloween. I did. I had fun watching silly/scary movies, and I socialized so much it’s almost been a relief to get back to the peace and quiet of my cubicle.

I considered spending today hibernating as a way of observing the first stay-on-the-ground snowfall but decided against it. I can’t pass up the opportunity to remind my snow-averse friends that my car has all-wheel drive and heated seats. It does not, however, presently have a snowbrush in the back seat; some clever soul forgot to put it back in the car after spring cleaning. D’OH!

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