Tuesday, June 10, 2003

06/10/03’s illustrious band:

Quiche Bones

Brought to you by a dream I had last night.

Last night I dreamed that I was helping a friend cater a fancy tea party. We had made many dozens of miniature quiches, baked in mini muffin pans lined with mini paper cups. Quiche bones is what we called the discarded papers heaped next to the plates as we cleaned up.

Sometimes dreams reveal the deepest secrets of our unconscious minds -- and sometimes they just rehash what’s taken place during the day. I hate to disappoint, but the quiche dream was one of the latter kind. Yesterday I attended a tea party during the day, and during an evening class I talked with a couple different people who work in the cooking/restaurant business. I don’t have a precise explanation for where the mini quiches came from; maybe the little snacks represent ideas that have fled my mind, leaving only their husks behind.

E-mail the Media Sensation: jugglernaut@hotmail.com

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