Sunday, May 11, 2003

05/11/03’s illustrious band:

They're Baaack!

Brought to you by my birthday. Yep, another year has come and gone. It's been wild and crazy and surprisingly short. I'm officially in my mid-30s now!

Remember last year when a pi?ata in the shape of a UFO landed in my cubicle on my birthday? Well, the aliens are back. This year I received from my friends, lead by El Queso Grande, a UFO charm on a chain that I can wear anytime, anyplace. My very own extraterrestrial accessory. And the Chicken Step Lady found me a Chinese yo-yo with a rocket ship on the end. When you grasp the handle (which looks like the rocket's fiery trail) and fling the yo-yo, the ship flies away -- and then snaps right back, so watch out. Out-of-this-world playthings are only funny until someone loses an eye.

As being spoiled by friends and family wasn’t enough, I decided to pamper myself on my birthday, too. I took the day off work and booked a massage and a facial at a local spa, which left me relaxed and glowing and a little bit oily. I spent the afternoon lazing around Sensational Acres catching up on my video game playing.

In the evening, I met WhoSEZ in downtown Minneapolis for dinner and a movie in the newly renovated Block E entertainment complex. (Remind me never to drive in downtown Minneapolis again. Ever. Especially during rush hour. I should have save the massage until after I'd found parking.) We planned to meet near a bookstore, and since I was early, I wandered inside. And spent a goodly portion of my mad money on new books.

I had a fantastic cheeseburger for dinner. So did WhoSEZ, but without the burger, since she's a vegetarian. Then we headed upstairs to see X2: X-Men United. Great movie! Special effects, action, romance, humor, Patrick Stewart . . . everything a fun flick should have. Go see it.

We had saved our appetites for dessert until after the show, at which time we indulged in a couple of high-impact creations from the Stone Cold Creamery. They take a scoop or two of fantastic ice cream and slap it down on the chilled countertop. Then they hollow out a spot in the middle and fill it with candy or brownies or Oreos or whatever you want. Mix mix mix and into the bowl it goes, sort of like watching a Japanese chef whip up your meal right there at the table. YUM! And if you drop money into the tip jar, the whole staff breaks into song. This show was almost as good as the movie.

I've been spending the rest of the weekend as I usually do, going to classes at the T'ai Chi studio, catching up on household chores, entertaining the cats, watching movies, and reading one of the books I bought. The rainy weather gives me an excuse not to mow the lawn yet, even though I finally got the mower back from the tune-up shop. Tomorrow it's back to business as usual, so I'm taking every opportunity to loaf about while I can. In fact, I'm wearing my pajamas even as I write this. Too much information?

Anyway, thanks to all for the groovy gifts, calories and fun. It's been a great birthday. Let's do it again next year.

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