Thursday, September 30, 2004

09/30/04’s illustrious band:


Brought to you by A Word A Day,

Unguinous (UNG-gwi-nuhs) adjective*

Greasy, oily.

[From Latin unguinosus, from unguin-, stem of unguen (ointment). Other words from the same root are ointment, anoint, unction, and unctuous.]

Unguinous. Now there’s a word that rolls right off the tongue. Or slipslideslithers, really. It shoots straight to the top of my list of least favorite words, where it joins moist, slacks, and davenport as words I’ll go out of my way to avoid saying.

*Unguinous is not to be confused with buttery, which is another thing altogether.

The Media Sensation’s top 25 people, places, and things that are unguinous:

  1. car parts
  2. cheap chocolate
  3. cheap hand lotion
  4. Cleveland, OH
  5. diners
  6. J.R. Ewing -- actually, the series Dallas as a whole
  7. fish markets
  8. Flint, MI
  9. frat boys with kegs
  10. X-Files bad guy Alex Krycek
  11. lounge lizards
  12. mayonaise
  13. Ming the Merciless
  14. noseprints on glass
  15. not snakes, but they sure look like they ought to be
  16. organic peanut butter
  17. other people’s dogs
  18. paper money, if you rub your fingers over it long enough
  19. politicians
  20. prop-department wigs
  21. seats in theaters where the lights never quite come up all the way
  22. sister-kissin’ hicks
  23. Ed Sullivan’s hair
  24. used car salesmen
  25. the wind blowing in from the paper mill

What makes your list of unguinosity?

Today around the world: September 30 is Agriculture Day in Sao Tome and Principe, islands in the Gulf of Guinea, straddling the Equator west of Gabon.

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