Thursday, July 01, 2004

07/01/04’s illustrious band:

Manbag II

Brought to you by Sister-san and Chef Jeff. Sister-san writes:

Last Thursday Jeff called me at work to say, "Did you tell your mom that we couldn't find our laptop bag?" I said I didn't think I had, but he said that an Eddie Bauer laptop bag had come in the mail.

When I got home, he said, "Look at this backpack -- it's for a laptop -- you must've told your mom that ours was missing."

I sat and examined the bag, opening zippers, poking in pockets, admiring all the storage. I said, "Is there something specific that makes you think this is for a laptop??" He told me that it was obvious, if I'd just open the largest compartment. In there I found a nice padded piece, perfect size for wrapping around a laptop to protect it. I said, "Hmm," and continued to prod and poke around with the bag as we watched TV.

Finally I began to wonder why some of the compartments seemed to be waterproof. "Jeff, I think this is a diaper bag -- in a nicely manly black color."

"Oooooohhhh! Here are some bottle-sized pockets, and that laptop pad must be a changing pad! Now it makes sense!"

So, that's the story of the laptop backpack. It is, indeed, very nice and convenient-looking. Now I need to figure out whether I'll need my own, or if we can share -- after all, only one of us will be on "baby duty" at a time, right?

P.S. We found our actual laptop bag -- don't send us one!

Editor’s note: A manbag, in case you’re wondering, is the masculine equivalent of the purse.

Today around the world: July 1 is Canada Day. Guess where!

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