Tuesday, December 02, 2003

12/02/03’s illustrious band:

Emergency Meat

It’s our final monthly reading from the Book of Spam. Let us observe a moment of silence. Then, a quotation from the Spam Calendar:

“The look of the Spam luncheon meat can has changed throughout the years. The first blue and yellow cans pictured a loaf of undecorated Spam surrounded by parsley, spelling out on the front that this was ‘a new Hormel Meat’ for all the consumers that were unused to canned meats. Another early can billed Spam as ‘the meat of many uses.’

“During World War II, the cans were covered with a ‘special economy label for period of emergency’ that was blue and white only. In the 1950s, the Spam loaf was decorated with cloves, and the trademark bubble letters ballooned up to gigantic proportions, creating the can that most know and love.

“In 1997, the label typeface changed to the clean serif font that is used currently. However, the most important change came in 1998. The picture of the classic Spam loaf was replaced with the image of the savory Spamburger Hamburger that decorates the label today.”

Ah, this reminds me of a blessing I forgot to count yesterday: turkey! And turkey leftovers, such as Mother Media’s splendid White Chili, which was my main dish at lunch today. I also spied a turkey sandwich and turkey casserole. How will your Thanksgiving bird be reincarnated in coming weeks?

Today around the world: December 2 is National Day in Kyrgyzstan and United Arab Emirates, National Higher Education Day in Myanmar / Burma, Republic Day in Laos and International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (internationally).

E-mail the Media Sensation: BandNameoftheDay@hotmail.com

Visit the BND archives at http://jugglernaut.blogspot.com.


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