Monday, October 14, 2002

Today's illustrious band:

Bagels Flambé

Brought to you by myself and Mother Media.

Having Mother Media in town for a few days has been great. We did many things, including coming up with a new recipe that's bound to become a family classic. We covered a lot of territory, from executing a tag-team Martha Stewart-type coup in the guest bedroom to sampling Caribbean cuisine across the boarder in Wisconsin to doing laps in the Mall of America to attending Tony 'N Tina's Wedding. As usual, we also took a lot of pictures, looked at a lot of pictures, caught up on gossip and made a fair stab at dining our way through the metro area.

How busy/flighty/chatty were we? Judge for yourselves.

Bagels Flambé

bagel(s), sliced
butter, slightly softened

1. Apply butter to bagel halves.
2. Place bagels, butter side up, in broiler (they're too fat for the toaster).
3. Turn attention to conversation with person in other room for just one tiny moment.
4. Check bagel(s).
5. Extinguish flames. Remove charred pucks to back yard for birds.
6. Reheat lasagna for brunch.


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