Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Today's illustrious band:

My Druthers

Brought to you by everyone who has ever said, "If I had my druthers . . . " What the heck are druthers?

According to our good friend Mr. Webster, "druther" is a truncation of the phrase "I would rather." If you say that sloppily, it sounds like "I'd ruther" or "I druther." In other words, "If I were free to choose." So druthers are choices.

If I had my druthers, the English language would be chock-full of such colorful expressions — and it is! There's one now! Sometimes you DO get what you want.

The news on being on the news:
My 15 seconds of fame has been rescheduled for Friday, Oct. 18, at 5:00 on KSTP Channel 5. Once again, please set your VCRs; I'm still having a labor dispute with mine.

The Media Sensation will be incommunicado Thursday and Friday, working on top-secret media projects and playing hostess for Mother Media's visit. Wish us fair weather, and I'll see you Monday.


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