Thursday, September 26, 2002

Today's illustrious band:

Nose Buds

Brought to you by Sister-san, who writes:

"Nose buds are the olfactory complement to taste buds; nose buds allow us to smell delicate rose buds, and so on. Apparently, she says, nose buds temporarily lose their sensitivity with prolonged exposure to permanent markers, leaving one incapable of smelling anything else for an agonizing hour or so. Trust me on this one; do not try at home."

Well, that stinks.


The news on being on the news:
Didn't happen. It was too rainy yesterday afternoon for the handyman to be fiddling around with electrical stuff (exterior lights on the garage were one of my high-priority projects), so his visit was canceled, and with it the news crew that was going to film him in action. We're all going to try again next Wednesday; the spot is set to air next Friday. We'll see how it goes. At least I managed a decent clean-up job in the 10 minutes between my arrival at home and my receipt of the cancellation message.


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