Brought to you by WhoSEZ and the General.
My friend the General raised a very important point when she heard about the Tupperware party I attended at WhoSEZ's place: items Tupperware ought to make for the modern woman, but doesn't. Such as:
- martini glasses
- birth control pill case
- flask
Absolutely!! This inspired me to brainstorm a few more. To wit:
- condom carrier
- cigarette case
- CD/DVD storage
- business card case
- travel bagel case with built-in cream cheese compartment and attached knife for spreading. OK, donuts would fit in there, too.
- knitting caddy
- makeup case
- jewelry case
- snap-together jewelry
- thing that squishes excess water out of your swimming suit before you put it back in your bag
- fake Christmas tree with all the ornaments & garlands, and you turn it inside out and it's its own storage container
- waterproof laptop case
- waterproof iPod case
- waterproof journal case (with pen compartment) that doubles as a lap desk
- martial arts weapons case: compartments for swords, sabers, daggers, canes, fans, flexible weapons, first aid kit, etc.
- lightweight, collapsible practice weapons — perfect for travel when you don't want to explain to airport security why you're carrying a metal sword
- multi-compartment travel thingie for liquids. Put shampoo in one, facial cleanser in one, lotion in one, massage oil in one, etc., then dispense from pop-up spout. Or you could have single-compartment ones that snap together so you buy as many as you need individually and hook them up at the hotel. Or right there in your own bathroom, for that matter. You know, like kitchen canisters for your bathroom/bedroom stuff. I'm sure these already exist, but Tupperware's would be better.
- combination shoehorn/backscratcher/scalp massager
- fangirl toolkit: compartments for CD(s), scrapbook, camera, batteries, and Sharpie(s). I'm holding out for the special Rockapella commemorative edition.
What else? Let your imagination run wild.
Today around the world: October 26 is Anagram Day in Nauru.
For a groovy anagram generator, visit www.wordsmith.org. Anagrams for Tupperware: rapture pew, rare wet pup, rear wept up, water per up, eat purr pew, awe Ruppert, we trap pure . . . and about a skillion more.
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