Sunday, March 13, 2005

Occasionally, Saturday Night Live (or part of it) is still worth staying up late for. Last night's opening skit, featuring David Spade as a fresh-from-the-big-house Martha Stewart in a crocheted poncho, was a good one. I'm also fond of such classics as William Shatner telling Trekkies to get a life, Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze competing for a job as a Chippendale dancer, and just about anything involving Bill Murray and/or Steve Martin and/or Chevy Chase.

What are your favorite SNL skits?


Blogger Aura said...

I have quite a few fave SNL skits. Some of my favourites would have to be Walken's The Continental skits, Wayne's World skits (esp. when they had Aerosmith on), Two Wild and Crazy Guys, The Spartan Spirit Cheerleaders, Bobbi-Mohan & Marty Culp.

12:51 AM  

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