Friday, December 10, 2004

12/10/04’s illustrious band:

People Change

Rockapella Then & Now

THEN: tight harmony, tighter pants
NOW: tight pants, tighter harmony

THEN: Barry smoking on camera (in the Spike Lee video)
NOW: all 5 guys smokin' onstage

THEN: Let us entertain you!
NOW: Who's your daddy?

THEN: singing swingles
NOW: dashing dads, and Jeff (Dashing? Yes. Dad? Not that I know of.)

THEN: original members almost performed as the Groovebarbers
NOW: original members most all perform as the Groovebarbers

THEN: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
NOW: When in the world can we stop singing "Carmen Sandiego"?

THEN: "Big Bad John"
NOW: little John's not bad

THEN: prayed for commercial success
NOW: have made successful commercials

THEN: from NY
NOW: from FL, except for Jeff

THEN: worshipped the Persuasions generation
NOW: worshipped by the House Jacks generation

THEN: "Zombie Jamboree" —> big break
NOW: "Zombie Jamboree" —> big yawn

bass: a Bear of a man
baritone: Monarch of the Kingdom of Shy
2nd tenor: mullet of braids
high tenor: "Flat Tire," no flat notes
rhythm: claps and snaps
bass: a teddy bear of a man
miscellaneous middle harmony: Lord of the Dance
2nd tenor: helmet of curls
high tenor: sharp dresser, no sharp notes
rhythm: lips and hips

THEN: fans: grade-school kids
NOW: fans: have grade-school kids

THEN: busking for change for Chinese food
NOW: jetting to Tokyo for sushi

THEN: Pretty Women competed for a serenade
NOW: the band Ain't Too Proud to Beg

THEN: virtuoso scat breaks
NOW: bravado vp breaks

THEN: novelty act with surprising substance
NOW: substantial act with surprising novelty

THEN: members took time out from touring for side projects
NOW: members take time out from side projects for touring

THEN: "Rock River"
NOW: "Rock the Boat"

THEN: adored in Japan, underappreciated in America
NOW: adored in Japan, underappreciated in America

Monday -- One: 1st Night
A Rockapella fan is born

Tuesday -- Two: A Change in My Life
That first concert

Wednesday -- Three: Falling Over You
In which the narrator discovers that she is not alone

Thursday -- Four: Come My Way
Madison concert notes and Pellavision Awards

Friday -- Five: People Change
Rockapella then and now

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