Wednesday, July 23, 2003

07/23/03’s illustrious band:

West on Faith

Brought to you by the immanent departure from our midst of Amy 2.0.

Amy is moving to Seattle. Why? Because it seems like the right thing to do. She isn’t moving to accommodate a partner, care for ailing relatives or take a new job (though one will turn up in time). She’s moving because . . . well, because. She has faith that things will work out the way they ought to. So far, that faith has proven well placed.

For instance: Plans for this move have been fraught with obstacles. Amy wanted to sell her townhome more quickly than she did but ended up waiting for her buyer to get some things in order. Rather than dump the slow buyer and look for a new one, Amy had faith that this buyer was the right one, and waited. And it was a good thing she did! Had she pushed for a faster sale, she would have ended up paying a financial penalty; completing the transaction at a later date allowed her to avoid it. Faith!

This faith that Someone is watching out for us is just one of the things I’ll miss about Amy. One of many things. I’ll also miss girls’ night at the chamber orchestra, decadent Academy Awards parties, infectious laughter, a willing ear for my cat stories, and her refusal to indulge my cynical streak. Who’s going to organize the North American Sushi Club now? Who’s going to make sure the Soup Group dines out regularly? Who’s going to remind me to look past circumstantial evidence for deeper meaning?

It’s tempting to be sad when a friend moves away, and I’m giving in to that temptation a little bit. But I’m also excited for Amy and eager to see how her adventure will play itself out. She won’t be that far away, being always part of my heart. And I’m going to visit, too. So it’s not "farewell," it’s "see you later."

And it's "Admire you lots!" Because who else but Amy would have the guts -- or the faith -- to do this?

I haven’t given Amy a going-away present because I figure she doesn’t need one more thing to pack right now. However, once she’s settled in her new home, I’ll be mailing out a Seattle Starter Kit. I have a few ideas already for what to put in it. All contributions welcome!

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