Friday, March 14, 2003

03/14/03's illustrious band:

Mmm, Crow!

Brought to you by a mistake I made and for which I must apologize.

In recent days, I have in this blog related stories about a blimp and about photos of Construction Jack toys. Those stories were not mine to tell; they came to me via work, so they were company property. I wasn't thinking of them in that light at the time, but in retrospect I realize it's certainly true. I should not have published those things, and I apologize for doing so. I have removed the offending references from the BND archives.

There's also been some confusion about who was responsible for those stories getting published in my blog, so let me clear that up, too. Although I learned of them from someone else, the decision to put that material in my blog was mine alone. If there are consequences to be borne from this, they too are mine alone.

So let there be peace online, and let it begin with me.

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