Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Today's illustrious band:

The New Guy

Brought to you by Parker R. Peterson, age 5. Parker is my cousin Paul's son. He doesn't send much e-mail yet, so his Grandma Jo, my aunt Joel Peterson, relayed the story.

"Saturday I babysat grandkids while everyone was involved in all sorts of stuff, including the moms in a softball tournament. Anyway, I was on my way to the ball park with them when Parker said 'You know, grandma, I have to help my mom at the concession stand.' I replied, 'Then who will help your dad?' He immediately gestured to Dawson (his little brother, age 18 months) and said, 'The new guy.'

I got a chuckle out of that."

Shucks, and I thought I was clever!


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