Monday, September 19, 2005

Dave Has a Giraffe

Brought to you by this & that.

Sorry about the blogging hiatus there. It's been an irksome few days at the office, mainly because I'm not psychic and therefore cannot always figure out what certain people want. Apparently I am also supposed to divine afterward that I did not figure it out, whether I receive actual notification of that fact or not. Yeah, that's a toughie — but consultation with my peers has assured me that I'm not the only one in this boat, which is nice to know. I'm working to correct the problem and would appreciate any ESP mojo you can send me.

Anyway. Since I work in an office environment, I get to go to lots of meetings. Some of those involve conference calls, and sometimes the connection on those calls is less than crystal clear. This is how I came to hear the non sequitur, "Dave has a giraffe." Say what? I thought a giraffe sounded pretty interesting, if a bit off the subject, but it turns out Dave does not have a giraffe, he has a draft of the project memo. Too bad. I'd love to see him fit a giraffe into a cubicle. And is it possible to paper train a giraffe?

Oh, this reminds me of a joke that's perfect for the first-grader in your life. Ready? Here goes:

What's green and hangs from trees?

Giraffe snot!

ANYway. A bad conference call connection also explains why I once thought someone had said "turd" during a meeting. My mental "Inappropriate!" alarm went off good and loud — until I realized the caller was saying she had toured a facility. That was a relief (so to speak).

Today around the world: September 19 is Talk Like a Pirate Day in the U.S. Arrrrrrrrr you playing? If you haven't wasted enough time online already today, go read the Pirate Guys' blog.


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