Knickers & Dosh
Brought to you by Briticisms I enjoy, because I can't seem to form full sentences today.
bloody: a cuss word you can slip past American censors
bum: somehow less tacky than your butt
cack: crap
candy floss: makes cotton candy sound dentist-recommended
car park: an entertaining place for your car to wait for you
dosh: money that sounds like dessert
flat: easier to say than "apartment"
flog: to sell aggressively, as in to beat people over the head with ads
kerb: the "k" more accurately reflects my feelings when I trip on one
knickers: so much classier than underwear
ladder: accurate description for a run in your nylons
lift: what an elevator does
loo: nicer than a bathroom
maths: short for mathematics instead of "math." One math, two maths?
off your trolley: out of your mind.
on holiday: more festive than a vacation
on the pull: on the make; out to pick up a date
park the leopard: more exotic than blowing chunks
pile of pants: load of crap
scarper: to escape
slag: to dis
torch: makes every flashlight occasion a cave-crawling-amongst-mummies occasion
Photos today? YES
Today around the world: August 4 is Coast Guard Day in the U.S., a day for protecting your eye-opening soap.
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