Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Fired up!

Brought to you by me.

I’ve been a bit stingy with the band names lately, and for that I apologize. But I’ve had a good reason. Some heavy drenn was going down at work, and while it occupied a lot of my emotional and creative energy, I didn’t feel free to blab about it on the Internet. Until now, that is.

Today I got fired from my job. This came as no surprise; things had been dicey for about six weeks. Despite my best efforts, I was not able to “message” in the way my boss(es) wanted me to. I guess I picked up some bad habits, like communicating clearly and succinctly, somewhere along the way. I also turned out to be not very tolerant of endless series of meaning-muddying revisions, preferring instead to actually reach an endpoint at some point during a document’s production. Plus, I am not psychic and simply could not always divine where the boss was heading with certain plans. The harder I tried, the more I “missed the mark,” as Boss Lady said, until finally it became clear that I was a lousy fit for the job.

So I got canned, and I couldn’t be happier. Sounds odd, doesn’t it, that I’m glad I got fired? You’d think I’d be crying in my beer. But the fact is, I wasn’t feeling any more comfortable with the FBO than they were with me. I’m glad to be gone.

I’ve saved enough rainy-day money to keep me fed and housed for a year or so, so if I don’t find something else right away, that’s all right. It’ll give me more time to write the Great American Novel everyone’s been pestering me for. In fact, I’ve already started. If you’re nice, I might even let you peek.

As far as I know, Hallmark doesn’t have a “So happy you got canned!” card, so you can just congratulate me on my new freedom (not the kind with wings you buy in Aisle 6 at Walgreen’s). Below is a picture of the champagne I bought to celebrate. Raise a glass with me and toast the world of opportunity. And thanks for your love and support during this wild and crazy time. I really, really appreciate it.

Today around the world: October 12 is the first day of the rest of my life.


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