Monday, August 15, 2005

Imagination Becomes Reality

I'm back, sunburned and sated, from the weekend T'ai Chi retreat. I underslept, overate, and practiced just the right amount. It was a fun and inspiring weekend, but I won't bore you with the details (for once). The main idea is that we focused on making time in our lives for the things that matter most, such as a regular personal practice. We also ate a lot of cafeteria food, told a lot of bad jokes, and discovered the Chia Shower, which is every bit as slimy and disgusting as it sounds. See photos below for proof.

You'll notice that there are no photos of people doing T'ai Chi. Two reasons. One: I was doing T'ai Chi, too, and decided I could not do photography at the same time. Two: People doing T'ai Chi don't like having cameras shoved in their faces, and can you blame them? They're trying to relax and concentrate. Our grandteacher, Master T.T. Liang, was fond of saying, "Imagination becomes reality." So just imagine 75 or so people floating slowly through the early morning sunlight with peaceful expressions on their faces. You'll wish you were there -- and for a few moments, you will be.


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